I liked what this article evolved into! The struggle with clothing is real. My arms are to long. I have a butt, but my pants always want to slide down >.< Maybe its the way I walk, IDK. Comfort over anything though and you managed!

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thank you! yes, so frustrating. I agree as long as you can walk about comfortably I suppose that's the main thing

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"I fear the only reason I managed to avoid tear-staining the clothes was that I have been wearing the same pair of monthly contact lenses for a year and, by this point, my eyeballs are to normal eyeballs what raisins are to grapes."

Wonderful. I laughed most of the way through this one. Fwiw, I think Exhibit B is pretty cute. Not what you were going for, but maybe you'll like it better at 80 when you're looking back on it.

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thank you, that's such a lovely comment 💜

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Clothes shopping is the literal worst!!! I think we've all been conditioned to emphasize getting the perfect picture instead of focusing on the amazing experiences we are creating. You look so cute in your photos, too!

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i love love love your writing and humor and struggle w so many of the same things - i want that perfect photo but tbh cameramen are few and far between 😟 heres to living and having a good time instead of just having the photos to prove that to ourselves!!

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That’s so kind, thank you so much! ❤️

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