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Can I ask? Is Georgie Grier any good? Because if I were a performer who worked hard and put on a show and only one person came to see it, I'd probably cry, too. If I were any good, I'd probably cry every time that happened, sincerely. And if my tears brought in a better audience, that would be all to the good, although unnecessarily rough on my self-esteem. On the other hand, if I wasn't any good, the pity marketing would just be drawing people into a waste of time, and at some point I should take the hint.

I'm not familiar with the Fringe and can't tell from what you write here how it's organized, who is investing, or how performers are chosen. It would seem, however, that some effort should be made to level the playing field a bit, to level it UP, specifically. Glad you reported on the whole thing.

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